29 August, 2011


Or more precisely, the fortnight that was...
Gemma commented that we seem to be having a lot of fun in TP. This is true; however, we also have a lot of mundane and that is pretty much the reason that the blog has been neglected this past fortnight...we were having too much mundane!
So briefly:
Esther managed somehow to get Mrs Astbury on side with her plan to bring Max the cat to school. I would like the record to show I have vetoed this plan on several occasions in the past often with the reasonable excuse that Mrs Astbury would not appreciate animals in her classroom and some of the other kids might have allergies. Plainly Mrs Astbury does not share my good sense (or perhaps she's just less miserable than me) because the P-Ps had a pet parade last week where the class were invited, nay encouraged, to bring in their pets. And so (straight after my night shift) I packaged up Max in his kitty-carrier and took him to school. He cowered in his carrier for virtually the entire hour we were at school and was only forcibly removed coaxed out of it for 2 minutes to have his picture taken with Esther; I had to ensure that he didn't bolt so I didn't get that happy snap, instead I captured these...


Sadly Max wasn't biggest, cutest, most unusual or best behaved. He was up against another (less terrified) cat, several dogs, crazy crabs and a budgie.
In other news, we lost our netball semi-final :( But we won the best dressed table award at the Presentation Night!!
Hmm, actually this isn't my team; here's my team and our table...
And here are some more awards we didn't win!


  1. come on Lou, if you took that photo a little more to the right, you would have got the very classy tea light candles that were burning the ceramic plate of chicken bits!! Also, that final photo of trophies...hmmmm!!! You didn't have the right angle on that classy bottle of water...or should I say - barcadi!!! Next year...we will be the winning team on the court and at the table....!!

  2. Ah Debbie (I assume this is you Deb although it is very unlike you to be 'anonymous'!). You're right, this photo doesn't do justice to our table or to the blister on my thumb from attempting to clean soot from the chicken bits plate. However...I do think we should start constructing paper mache likenesses of ourselves with which to decorate next season's table, I reckon that's a winning idea!
