22 February, 2012


Sometimes Ade and I are the grumpiest parents in TP; often we are the most exasperated parents and occasionally the most embarrassing parents but today we are the proudest parents in town. Both girls got honour certificates at this morning's assembly!
Esther's was for being "a bright and bubbly student in our class. She is always willing to have a go at new learning tasks and is having much success. Esther is always helpful, not only to Miss Keath but to her new friends as well. Keep up the great attitude Esther!!"
Freya's was "for consistently striving for excellence in every learning task you complete. The effort you put into researching information on your news to the class was absolutely fantastic. I think we all learnt something new about sea monkeys that day! You are such a positive member of Room 11 Freya, well done!"

I was already a bit choked...and then the lower school choir sang "Imagine", *gulp*.

Totally brilliant job darlings, Daddy and I love you sooo much xxxxx


  1. Awwww, your girls are amazing, beautiful and have fabulous parents! Well done LAFE! Mwah, Lizzie xxxxx

  2. Like Lizzie, we think that you and Ade must take a lot of credit for parenting such beautiful (on the inside as well as the outside) girls ! We are so proud of them and on count down till April.
    Love and hugs
    Grandma and G xxxx

  3. Awesome, I got choked just reading your post! :) congrats to all the Jonkers for just generally being fab! xxx
