09 September, 2011

Millstream-Chichester National Park

Posing in the camp
Last weekend it was fathers' day and I was on nights (quel surprise!). So Ade took the girls on an overnight camping trip. They drove to Millstream Chichester National Park (about 2 hours away from TP). Millstream covers about 200,000 hectares around the Fortescue River which carries the run-off from the Hamersley Ranges into an underground aquifer which subsequently feeds the waters of the park's gorges and pools. Early European settlers were attracted by the bounty of water and established an active pastoral station here; the original Homestead still stands housing the visitor centre.
Well, they all had a very jolly time but there were flushing toilets so it wasn't proper bush camping, we're doing that tomorrow night (watch this space...).
This post contains a selection of photos taken before Freya dropped the camera and busted the lens- doh!
Millstream Homestead
Walking through the Fortescue River crossing
Python Pool

Yeah, they love each other all the time
Deep Reach Pool
View as you drive into Deep Reach
Python Pool

Creek bed/ path to Python Pool
Fortescue River
Python Pool


  1. I would never, ever, swim in a pond called "Python Pool"...get the willies just thinking about it! Sarah.

  2. LOL! They stayed in the car at crocodile creek :)
