Ho-hum, it's back to the day-to-day after the fever of G&G's visit; however, there are still a shed load of things to be grateful for and delighted about, for instance...
Sweet potato pie |
Dear S-I-L Liesl surprised me with a parcel containing 'Jamie's America' (us Jonker/Ludgerus/Munfords are BIG Jamie fans and Liesl is kind and often this generous x). So I set to work cooking up a Southern storm on my day off. The beans and pork will be eaten with rice and some salad leaves from our garden and, as J.O. suggests, the sweet potato pie will be accompanied by clementine cream (actually mandarin cream since TP Coles doesn't stretch to clementines, although I did just buy a duck there, but that's another post...).
Southern red beans and pork |
Miniature vegetable/herb garden moved to the front fence to soak up the winter sun. |
More reasons to be cheerful:
- eating things we've grown from seed.
- glorious winter weather; cool mornings and evenings (7 degrees) but then fabulously warm days (27 degrees!).
- winning at netball 2 weeks in a row :)
Chooky-la-la and her hen friends have been foiled in their attempt to completely bury the patio in poop. They are still not laying any eggs so I will shortly be looking to Jamie for some chicken recipes.
Circus Royale is the buzz around town. They have downed caravans on the oval near North TP Primary which is on my jogging route. I spotted 3 cows, 5 ponies, 2 llamas and 2 camels grazing on the cricket pitch. We're going tonight, I wonder what tricks the cows do...